Monday, March 31, 2014

Export-Import Bank

The Export-Import Bank of the United States is a US agency that assists international companies finance goods produced in the United States to contribute to its economy. The bank extends low interest loans and credit to buyers that purchase goods produced in the US.

Boeing has been the biggest beneficiary of the Export-Import Bank; they were given $48.63 Billion for aircraft last year alone. More can be read here. Though great for Boeing, this has been bad for other US air carriers, such as Delta, American, and United because of most foreign carriers such as Emirates Airlines, Qatar Airways, and Norwegian Airlines can offer lower cost tickets. 

If the US does not continue to disallow Cabotage (which would let foreign air carries travel within a country and transport those citizens within that country), it could really hurt American air carriers' profits. Hopefully, the US government will continue to disallow Cabotage within the US and preserve American airline jobs.

I believe that the Export-Import Bank has its place but the airline industry needs to make sure this bank is not taken advantage of. Some possible solutions could be putting a cap on the amount of money offered to foreign companies to purchase certain items or products. This would be a great compromise both for the Airlines and Aircraft Manufactures.  


  1. Cabotage!!! Arghh! The United States must not allow this, or soon it will be "welcome aboard your flight from Detroit to Washington D.C. operated by Emirates Airlines". As a future pilot, this must be stopped!

  2. I like your approach of putting a cap on the loans offered. I think it could work well to help U.S. carriers.

  3. I have to agree with flyinryan on this one. I don’t like the idea of being a pilot flying for a friend carrier domestically….

  4. yea... I'm with ryan. Many foreign pilots and air carriers dont have the same level of safety that we do... also, jobs... Americans need jobs in America.

  5. Allowing foreign carriers free reign in the US would be about the worst idea since de-regulation. It would make no sense to allow them to fly here when we can't fly in any of their countries.
